Since our founding in 1979, we have continued to strive in showing those around us the relationship that God and his Son, Jesus Christ, have waiting for them.

Our core values


We desire to teach the Word of God in a manner that allows you to understand it, and apply it to every area of your life. II Timothy 3:16-17


The Bible declares that we should spend time together. When we spend time with each other, we can encourage, support, strengthen, and care for each other. This is an important part of our ministry, for our strength comes from everyone using their God-given talents for one another. Hebrews 10:25


The Bible declares that we have been accepted into the Family of God. Thus we strive to assist everyone from Child, Teen, Single, Married, or Elderly with the needs and love a family should provide for each other. John 13:35


Since God has been so good to us, we desire to share His love with others. We share His message of redemption and forgiveness through: Our example at our home or place of work, examples within our families, support of our missionaries and through Outreaches designed to impact the lives of others for the Gospel. Matthew 28:18-20


We believe that you can live a victorious life, impacting every area of your life, through the application of God's Word. The Bible declares that we should not only be hearers but doers of the Word. James 1:22


The Bible declares "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good news". We preach that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who died for our sins, and rose on the third day. He is seated at the right hand of God in Heaven, and He will return again someday as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Romans 10:14-15

I do not know how we will accomplish everything but I know God is faithful to complete that what He has started.
Is the Vision of God alive within you?
— Senior Pastor Art Dean